Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Innovation…European Style

As we tumble through a darkening December in Chicago, I'm thinking one more time of my recent Eastern European trip both to remember summer splendors and the new eyes I got to put on as a traveler. 

Travelling throughout Europe reminded me that certain cultural hallmarks of the Old World--the time taken to eat, the multi-generational activity of the public square, the primacy of the extended family clan--are too often lacking or undervalued by our much younger and faster country. I want those things. On the other hand, it's easy to take for granted how great our customer service is, and how many amenities we have without even realizing it (Hello, free napkins and toilets!). Here are a few interesting notes from the European landscape:

Innovation winners:

1. Changing stations at the beach. These gems all throughout the Croatian Dalmatian coast and elsewhere made beach going so much simpler. Instead of hiking to a disgusting-floored bathroom to change from pants to bathing suit or vice-versa, I just find one of these little on-the-beach double-occupancy shields and voila, I am ready to go!  
2. Set-temperature showers.  While I'm sure these exist somewhere in the U.S., both Vienna and Prague showers had a simple temperature gauge assuring a good warm temperature--no need to get scalded or cold-shocked by the flowing water.
3. Public baths. All ages can appreciate a swimming and spa experience that we found at Szechenyi Spa in Budapest. This one had outdoor pools and fountains, and indoors included about 30 different baths, pools and steam rooms of various temperatures and mineral additives.  I wish I was there right now!
What else was fascinating/baffling/mind-spinning for this American?
-Temperature of things.  Despite hot days, most drinks were too warm, with ice a rarity and "iced coffee" having no ice and not very cold (and with fruit in it!).
-Much better drivers there who know that the left lane is only for passing.  While left lane drivers clearly ignore speed limits--one reason you better get back into that right lane quickly--a mysterious speeding fine from Poland makes me wonder when I pushed my luck too far.
-Gotta pay for water at restaurants, and it's all about the different level of bubbles.
-Don't ask about the different--and, yes, just plain bad--shape of the toilet bowl that often resulted in the dreaded "muffin."
-Gas stations-Cafe hybrids--nice way to take a driving break.
-Windows open two ways--nice feature--but screens are nowhere to be found.
-Complementary shots of vodka-like drinks are the recommended way to start a morning boat trip. So "Nastrovia!" "egészségedreto!" and "Živjeli!" to that and cheers to seeing with new, sometimes blurry, eyes!


  1. Nice post. True, Americans seem to have the fantasy that life in Europe (or any other foreign country) would be better. But take a look at how small and paltry European kitchens are compared to American versions and the heating/cooling options and you quickly realize that staying "comfortable" in Europe is quite different.

    All this doesn't make the beautiful places you describe any less romantic and desirable to visit. Wouldn't it be great to have a second home some place warm?

    But it requires some bucks to do this hence why some of us work like dogs to chase the dream.

    Keep up the good work.

    -J. McClown

  2. What about those showers without shower curtains in Poland and Hungary? Hahaha.

  3. Yeah, what is with no shower curtains?! I tried everything but the water still was all over the bathroom floor!

  4. Love the examples Adam, not sure they are pure innovation, but certainly are different. Glad you had such a good time in Europe!
