Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Conformity Reigns but Exceptions Rule"

"Difference is a commitment to the unprecedented…a commitment to letting go.” Youngme Moon

I love Harvard professor Youngme Moon's sub-subtitle of her new book, Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd: "Succeeding in a World where Conformity Reigns but Exceptions Rule." In her book, she makes the case that true innovation--and success--comes when a business offers something meaningfully different.

As much as we Americans often claim the mantle of individuality and freedom to be different, most of us rarely are. From what we wear to what we talk about, from the party at the bar to the big wedding we attend, conformity reigns and rains and, as my poor friends here in Chicago have heard too much from me lately, I'm feeling all wet.

Moon makes the case that almost every success story of the past couple decades has been the exception to the rule, the outlier that has rejected orthodoxy, the difference-maker that did not simply compete in the same game as others. "Differentiation is not a tactic," she says. "It's not a flashy advertising campaign; it's not a sparkling new feature set. It's not a laminated frequent-buyer card or a money-back guarantee. Differentiation is a way of thinking. It's a mindset. It's a commitment. A commitment to be different, not in a superficial, I'm-going-to-offer-a-couple-of-features-my-competitor-doesn't-offer kind of way, but in a way that is fundamental and near impossible to replicate.”

Now I happen to be allergic to too much conformity, but I realize that it's often easier, and even satisfying, to conform. But creativity--which we need more than ever in our organizations and for our own personal success--requires deviance, a willingness to be different. A willingness and a mindset and a drive to be the one who doesn't do it that way, who draws outside the lines or creates meaningful new lines, who risks the stares and comments (and there will be many) from the conforming majority.

Moon's wonderful Anti-Creativity Checklist video (above) shares her top 14 ways to keep your place in the conforming majority and ensure that you won't be a difference-maker in your organization.


  1. Excellent! It's much harder to be original and go with it than it is to co-opt it through buzzwords.

  2. Your posts help articulate what we creative innovators need to read but don't read enough and it's inspiring and keeps our independent spirit strong.

    -Harvey Satnick

  3. I wanted to share today's SF Chron article on Vernon Davis,TE for the 49ers who is an "artist at heart". What is so striking about his interview is how he is so poorly judged by other athletes when he mentions even a little bit of art interest. I can identify and you probably do as well. So sad in America that describing yourself as an artist has such negative reactions.


  4. Hi Adam, another very interesting post. This is everywhere, everyday! I think working in corporations for so many years, conformity attitudes can wiggle their way in your head and sadly, I can see how easy it is to agree those anti-creativity checklist items.

    Even working in Advertising which should be a 'creative' industry, I see this. They 'say' they welcome new, creative, different ideas but when it comes down to it, I've seen very few ever implemented.

    "When I was four years old they tried to test my IQ, they showed me this picture of three oranges and a pear. They asked me which one is different and does not belong, they taught me different was wrong." ~Ani Difranco
